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alphaharps 12:34 Fri May 6
My Spurs mates
I know, i shouldn't have them. But unfortunately I do, They are so bitter about fucking up their title bid. I've pushed them so far tonight,
One of the muppets responded with "ha Bilic the genius, Where are you in the league?"

you wouldn't know we are all 45/46

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Eggbert Nobacon 4:53 Mon May 16
Re: My Spurs mates
they were closer to Liverpool in 8ths points total than Leicesters

alphaharps 4:47 Mon May 16
Re: My Spurs mates
oh dear they are not happy today

one has gone missing , the other is very very angry

the exile 10:46 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Grumpster - so sorry to hear about your mate who's a goner. How did it happen?

Side of Ham 10:32 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
No shock that sTowie Griffin and Estuary boy agree on their bollocks notions.

normannomates 10:23 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
The old school spurs have always considered us a main rival..behind Arsenal obviously but level with CFC.the under 40 generations definitely not as much...any older dustbin who says different is a liar!
Bit like us and Wall.

Northern Sold 10:09 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Yeah I go along with that Stew0.... thank god there's another voice of reason on here

stewie griffin 10:05 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
No different for us, Sold0. ..


Was ever thus

Northern Sold 9:56 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Interesting read on that Glory Glory site... backs up what I have said from day 1

`But the fact is, they do hate us. And if you've ever been to a Spurs-West Ham game, you'll see the atmosphere and the level of banter between the fans is something special. I love it. So yes, for that reason, I do consider West Ham as rivals, although they come way behind Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Man Utd in the hatred league for me`.

`I think a lot of Spurs families are traditionally divided between Spurs and West Ham (this is the case on both my mum and dads sides of the family, both sides have a mix of West Ham and Spurs) -- so for the most part, it's a friendly rivalry. Where that changes is the hooligan element from back in the day, I suppose. When my dad used to go to football, a couple of his mates were into fighting (my dad wasn't at all though) and one of them got stabbed at a Spurs Reserves v West Ham Reserves game. So there's definitely an element of support that don't like eachother!

Anyway, all that bricke aside, West Ham are a good team and could get 4th place`.

`I think I consider West Ham to be a rivals of sort but on a mini rival basis meaning I'm happy to beat them but am not overly bothered by a loss to them (except for this season when I was livid but only as livid as I would be if any other team had beaten us during a title chase!).

I always considered our main rivals to be Arse & Chelsea'

FruityBoots. 9:50 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Thing is the amount of people I know who like other teams all have the same or very similar opinions of Spurs fans and their "Spurs Banter", very high regard of themselves and looking down there noses at most other teams.

Far Cough 9:45 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
What a bunch of fucking bellends, is this CromWALL's Spurs?

Saul Bollox 9:40 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates

Among the general condemnation of spurs' performance against Chelsea, this is the take on it by some of the 4B2s on Glory, Glory. Absolutely un-fucking-believable

The Stoat 8:01 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates

Should have been more

Sven Roeder 6:08 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
6 match ban for Dembele

Curbs Little Helper 3:11 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
We will still qualify for CL Quali stage, even if Pool win. To miss out City had to win too but there will be 5 teams if Pool win.

SullyHammer 2:58 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
This lot are lurking in the background waiting for an opportunity to give it back. Should we finish 4th and Liverpool win the Europa League, watch them come out in their droves.

The Stoat 2:18 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Fookin' shame


alphaharps 12:26 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
What da funk is jfk babbling on about below.
This was a simple thread about Spurs fans and how gutted they are.

There are other threads on our last games.
I'll be at both home games and I believe we can win all our remaining games

w4hammer 11:56 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
someone sent me a link to glory-glory where one of the cunts was saying " its only now i realise how much the rest rest of the football world positively hates us- i didnt realise how much and I'm still not sure why.."


Lily Hammer 11:39 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
The only one I really know is my brother, and he's sound; never gloats or rubs it in when we lose, and he always puts his hands up when we win fair and square. I know he may well be the exception to the rule. I would have focussed on him, had they won the league. Now they've fucked it up, I focus on all the muggy cunts who pick off small groups and scarfers by Seven Sisters. They are the Yids that I hate.

I've not had much problem from their normal fans.

Just lucky, I suppose.

Ricky Bobby 11:06 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
Only Spurs fans I know are all part time supporters... They will only approach me if they beat us. I ignore them.

Poplar Iron 10:42 Fri May 6
Re: My Spurs mates
I just love fact they still maintain the PREM title didn't mean much to them when clearly its eating them up inside...

This was their chance to win this and they know it...they f*cked it up at Leicester and West Ham...simple (hate em)!

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